Paddy reference price set at K960,000 per 100 baskets

  • Wed, 23 October 2024

Paddy reference price set at K960,000 per 100 baskets

A leading group for the protection of farmer rights and enhancement of their benefits announced a paddy reference price at K960,000 per 100 baskets (a basket is equivalent to 46 pounds), according to its notification 1/2024.

In accordance with the provisions of the Law of Protection of the Farmer Rights and Enhancement of their Benefits, the leading group set the reference price of the paddy at K950,000 per 100 baskets, which meets the prescribed criteria: a 14-per-cent moisture content and a fixed percentage of impurities such as sand, dust, and small stones in order to ensure fair market and fair price for the growers.

The transaction must be made according to the reference price if the market price exceeds it and sits below it.

This price is designated for monsoon paddy produced in 2024 and summer paddy that will be made in 2025 to have a decent price during the harvest season. 

Those farmers who have difficulty in selling them as per the reference price can link with township representatives of the Myanmar Rice Federation or dial MRF’s contact numbers: 01 2301128, 01 2301129, and 01 218266.