Betel leaves prices rise amid yield drop in winter

  • Wed, 7 February 2024

Betel leaves prices rise amid yield drop in winter

The betel vine farms have braced for output drops in winter, yet the prices increased to over K20,000 per viss in Pwintbyu Township, Magway Region, said locals engaged in betel farms working on a manageable scale.

The betel vine cultivation needs systematic management and practices with antifungal activity. 

Moreover, betel vines need soil, yet they should not be soaked wet with excessive moisture to prevent them from dying and foot and root rot disease. 

The prevailing prices move between K15,000 and K20,000 per viss depending on the varieties. High prices benefit the betel farmers,” a farmer from Pwintbyu Township said. 

There is an adequate irrigation water supply for residents in the arid Pwintbyu Township throughout the three seasons (summer, monsoon and winter). 

The intercropping system is also adopted in the area to raise the income. 

The betel vine cultivation is a labour- and income-intensive business suitable for small-scale farmers. Locals from Dedaye, Waedauk, Thamanyin, and Monchaung villages in Pwintbyu Township rely heavily on this business for their livelihood.